Colleges have traditionally relied on transfer students as an integral part of their student population. Admissions directors actively pursue transfer students to maintain their school’s enrollment. How does a college attract transfer students?
For more than thirty years, students earning an associate degree have used College Transfer Guide in their search for the right four-year college. The Guide is a comprehensive directory of colleges and universities that offer bachelor’s programs, making it the most frequently used directory on two-year public and private college campuses today.
Why Advertise?
Many students who graduate with an associate degree begin thinking about continuing their college education during their second year. At that time, students receive their own copy of College Transfer Guide to start their search for a four-year college. Advertising in the Guide is one of the most efficient ways an admissions director can inform two-year college students about the programs their school offers.
Qualified Circulation
All copies of College Transfer Guide are requested in advance by two-year colleges and sufficient copies are supplied so that transferring students can be given their own copy. A limited supply of copies are also distributed to high school guidance offices for students looking to transfer to a new four-year college.