10 Tips for the Transfer Student
The student at a two-year college asks, “When should I transfer?” or, “How do I transfer?” or, “Can I transfer in the middle of the academic year?”
Students ask many people the same questions in order to get a sense of what is best to do, and often they get more confused. Despite the fact that it sounds confusing, it isn’t. Here are some tips you can depend on.
Two-year college students need to be in touch with three important people at the school they attend: the academic advisor for course selection, a counselor for career and transfer questions, and a faculty member in the subject area of their special interest. With these people as a support system, the following checklist of 10 points will be relatively easy to accomplish.

Decide in what academic discipline you would like to major, and one or two other important characteristics (like geographic location, cost, or reputation) that you feel are necessary with regard to the next college you attend. Review the College Majors section in this directory.
Choose several colleges that offer your preferred major. Find out more about these colleges by reading their profiles in the College Profiles section of this directory. Read other reference books like Barron’s, Peterson’s, School Guide and college catalogs. Utilize the many online college directories such as www.schoolguides.com, www. collegeboard.org, www.peter- sons.com. Many colleges have Web sites that can provide you with specific information about the transfer admission process. Arrange to visit the colleges in which you are interested to get a sense of the atmosphere there and to compare each school. Ask yourself at which one it would be best to spend two more years. Interviews are not generally necessary, but can be arranged with the admissions office if needed.
If you are unsure of your plans, you should make an appointment to speak to a Transfer/Career counselor. International students should also locate a Foreign Student Advisor in the admissions or counseling office for I.N.S. paperwork related to their transfer.
When applying to out-of-state colleges, write directly to the colleges for applications and be sure to ask for any special information pertinent to transfer students, or use the postcards provided in this College Transfer Guide. If you are applying to colleges within your own state, you may be able to pick up those applications in the counseling office. International students must request special application materials in addition to the regular college application.
If SAT or ACT scores are required for transfer students, you can get the necessary forms to either take the test or to request the scores from the counseling office or by contacting The College Board at 866-630-9305. International callers may dial 212-520-8570 or visit www.collegeboard.com.
You have the option to ask two or three of your professors to recommend you. Pick only those who you feel sure will give you a good reference.
Fill out your applications carefully. If you have any questions or problems, go to the transfer or counseling office and you’ll get help. Any written statement requested on an application should be drafted first and checked by another person before you write it on the application.
When you think your application is complete, you may bring it to your advisor, or counselor, or favorite faculty member to check for completeness and correctness.
Request that the Registrar’s Office send a copy of your college transcripts to all the schools to which you are applying. If a college requires high school transcripts, you must request them directly through your high school.
Now, for the hardest part – if you have done all of the above and you’re sure that nothing is missing that was requested on your application, then just be patient and wait for the reply from the colleges.
Fall semester transfer necessitates that you complete this process completely before the first of March. The prime time for fall transfer early admissions applications to be submitted is between January 1 and February 28 of the same year. Many schools, however, have much later deadlines as well as mid-year entry dates.
Check carefully the transfer admission deadlines of the schools you have selected in the College Profiles section of this directory.